
Ultratech Labs - Fullgore
By Mark 'OZ' Austin

This is the latest map from OZ and I must say he's done it again, this map is designed around the Fullgore character from the game Killer instinct which was produced by Rare for Nintendo. The building that you play in is the Ultratech labs where Fullgore was designed. It is a facility that is hidden deep underground where scientists worked hard on a secret project to develop a time portal. The portal project ended in failure and was closed only to be reopened to be used as a CTF combar arena.

Load this map up in practise mode first as you have to look around to see the detail that has been put into this map. Using only the standard textures OZ has put them to good use in making a belivable science lab.

The map is set on varing levels of which flows into one another and don't finsih in dead ends which helps if you have the flag and cant find your way back on the first capture (As I found out!).

Lighting is as any gamer will tell you a key part to a map and this hasn't been overlooked, there are no parts on this map where you can say thats to dark or bright. The colours used are also fitting and not over the top. I have to comment on the main chambers which contain proto type robots, these rooms alone would not look out of place in Half Life but using the Unreal engine look stunning with the lighting and the shadows which they create.

This level can handle 10-16 players and handle them it does with a two teams of four which is how I played it it was a bit sparce on the action with clumps of action taking place in only certain areas but with 14 or even 16 I dare say it would be heaving with limbs and gibs flying everywhere.

OZ has always been one to include interactivity into his maps and this map is not without it to. In the basement area of this map you are presented with giant pistons that shoot out with tremendous speed blocking your path in the process or even trapping you in a tiny area, this works but if you're the flag carier you will not be wanting to take this route!

The only gripe on playabilty was the lava section with a bit of a dis-jointed path route which again makes for a difficult route back to your base but this is a minor gripe and you get used to it after the first couple of runs through.

I couldn't spot any! Apart from that lava issue I can really say this is a solid level and can be added to OZ's hall of perfection. Now I wont be asking OZ for a list of faults as I'm sure as a designer he would pick it to pieces.

The main verdict I have on this level is that download it to day and add it to your collection this is a good solid level from OZ and will keep you playing for some time. The looks are great and the interaction is always a good thing. Well done Mark you have pulled it off again!


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