
The Arura Waste Station
Rogelio Olguin

This is a very nice map. There are very few indoor maps that I like, and this is one of them. Rogelio must have spent a long time creating this level, because it is perfect as far as I can see. I love the fast action pace this level has as well.

The texturing is properly scaled, unlike most maps. The creator of the map has chosen a wonderful style of texture, it makes you want to run around and discover new parts of the map. Lighting is perfect, where there is supposed to be light, there is light, and where there is not supposed to be light, there is not. The lighting has a wonderful color to it, and the lighting is not too bright or dark. The skybox was done very well, with 3d brushes in it, and the use of flares. The only problem is that the sides of the skybox are the default textures that the editor uses. The lighting in the skybox has a nice late evening/just the start of night color to it, which matches the colors of the level, and adds to the reality. The architecture of the level is awesome and frightfully real like, none of the brushes are unaligned, and all are properly scaled. The maps is quite large, a three story factory style map. The moving brushes are created perfectly, and non of them look or move or even sound fake, and I respect authors who can create that in an elevator.

Put your assault vest on and grab your dual enforcers! This is a fast pasted game, and plays great with 6 to 10 players/bots, but if you go over that limit you will get fragged starting the game from lack of player starts. The bots never get stuck under the elevators and never get stuck in rooms or under objects, the creator placed the pathnodes perfectly. The problem with this map is the size, it is a medium sized map, but has a high polygon count, and might lag over the Internet. Though I have not got to try it out on the internet. If you have around 8 bots or players, you can't stand around long, and there are very few camping spots for those snipers out there. However, you can stand on one of the support beams and blow peoples heads of while they are running by.

The closest thing to a fault that I could find was the number of polygons, but if you have a fast modem or a cable connection, you can easily get past this problem.

This is a great indoor map, I loved playing it, I am sure you will love this maps as well. If you want to experience one of the best indoor maps, download it today, it is truly a one of a kind map.


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